Getting A Credit Card Limit Increase
In This Post, We’ll Discuss Some Info You Need To Know When Requesting A Credit Limit Increase From Each Bank. Plus, I’ll Add Some Tips To Help You Succeed In Getting Approved For Higher Credit Limits.

In This Post, We’ll Discuss Some Info You Need To Know When Requesting A Credit Limit Increase From Each Bank. Plus, I’ll Add Some Tips To Help You Succeed In Getting Approved For Higher Credit Limits.
As your expenses grow, you need your credit limits to grow as well because otherwise, your credit score can be hit terribly due to high credit utilization.
In this post, we’ll discuss some info you need to know when requesting a credit limit increase from each bank. Plus, I’ll add some tips to help you succeed in getting approved for higher credit limits.
Before You Request a Credit Limit Increase
Banks will only consider increasing your credit limit if your relationship with them is perfect. If you recently had a late payment, a payment was returned, or if you often carry excessive balances, these can all be reasons for the bank to decline your credit limit increase request. Before you request a credit limit increase, make sure your credit score is good and that you haven’t had any issues with the bank that can hurt your relationship within the past six months.
Amex is king when it comes to credit limit increases! With American Express, you can request a credit increase in as little as 60 days from when you open an account. You can get approved for up to 300% of your current credit limit. If you currently have a credit limit of $5,000, you can ask for a limit of $15,000 and get approved for it.
Here is what you need to know before requesting a credit limit increase from Amex:
You can request a credit limit increase from Barclays at any time, even on the same day you get approved for a card. (If you request the credit limit increase the day you get approved, then Barclays will not pull your credit again).
Here is what you need to know before requesting a credit limit increase from Barclays:
Bank of America can often give nice credit limit increases. Here is what you need to know before requesting a credit limit increase with Bank of America:
Capital One often will increase your credit limit without even asking. However, if you do not receive an automatic credit limit increase, then go ahead and request one.
Here is what you need to know before requesting a credit limit increase from Capital One:
My experience with Chase regarding credit limit increases was never great. They always do a hard pull, and even with pulling your credit, the limit increase you get is very meager, if any.
Here is what you need to know before requesting a credit limit increase from Chase:
Citi can sometimes give decent credit limit increases when you request one, sometimes even automatically as well. It is recommended to wait six months after approval before you ask Citi for a credit limit increase.
Here is what you need to know before requesting a credit limit increase from Citi:
Discover will usually give a micro credit limit increase of $500 - $1,500 every time you ask (once every 90 days). It’s recommended to ask every three to six months for an increase. Like that, you can slowly build up a nice credit limit with Discover.
Here is what you need to know before requesting a credit limit increase from Discover:
A credit limit increase with US Bank can be done without a hard credit pull.
Here is what you need to know before you request a credit limit increase from US Bank: