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3 Things You Can Do to Raise Your Credit Score


What You’ll Learn in This Article

Want to unlock better loan rates, snag premium credit cards, or simply take control of your financial future? Raising your credit score is the key. In this article, you’ll discover three practical strategies to boost your credit: spacing out applications to avoid dings, leveraging high limits to prove your trustworthiness, and using a business card to optimize your score. Plus, we’ll throw in bonus tips for landing those coveted high-limit offers. Ready to level up your credit game? Let’s dive in.

1. Space Out Your Credit Applications

One of the biggest factors affecting your credit score—and your chances of approval—is the number of hard inquiries and new accounts on your credit report. Applying for multiple credit lines in a short period can signal desperation or financial instability to lenders, often leading to denials. Each hard inquiry can ding your score by a few points, and too many new accounts can lower the average age of your credit history.

Action: Apply for new credit strategically and wait at least 6-12 months between applications. This gives your score time to recover from the inquiry and demonstrates to lenders that you’re not overextending yourself. Patience here pays off in the form of higher approval odds and better offers down the line.

2. Leverage High Credit Limits Wisely

Once your credit score climbs above 740—an excellent range—lenders start paying closer attention to your existing credit limits. They use this as a gauge of how much they can trust you with their money. For example, if your current cards have combined limits of $20,000 and you’ve managed them responsibly, a bank might feel comfortable offering you a new card with a $5,000 or even $10,000 limit. The key? Keep your credit utilization low (ideally under 30%) and avoid maxing out your cards.

Action: If you’re aiming for a high-limit card, consider requesting credit limit increases on your existing accounts first. This boosts your total available credit without adding a new hard inquiry. Just be sure to maintain a solid payment history—banks want to see that you can handle what you already have before extending more.

3. Get a Business Credit Card

If you run a side hustle, freelance, or plan to start a business, applying for a business credit card can be a game-changer. Unlike personal cards, business cards typically don’t report balances to consumer credit bureaus unless you default. This keeps your utilization ratio intact on your personal credit report, which can help your score. Plus, business cards often come with higher limits and rewards tailored to expenses like advertising or supplies.

Action: Apply for a business card if you qualify (even a small gig like selling crafts online can count). Use it for business expenses and pay it off monthly to avoid interest. This not only builds your business’s credit profile but also keeps your personal score strong.

Bonus Tips for Securing High Credit Limits

  • Build a strong foundation: Pay all bills on time, reduce debt, and keep old accounts open to maintain a long credit history.

  • Target premium offers: Once your score is in the 700s, look for cards with high-limit potential, like the Chase Sapphire Preferred or American Express Gold. Pair these with your stellar credit habits for the best shot at approval.

  • Negotiate with issuers: If approved for a card with a lower limit than expected, call the issuer and ask for a higher one—politely explain your responsible credit use and income stability.

Raising your credit score isn’t an overnight fix, but with consistent effort—waiting between applications, managing limits, and exploring business credit—you’ll set yourself up for financial success. Start with one step today, and watch your score climb over time.

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